Intelligent Drug Development

At Obatica, we are passionate about bringing tailored, innovative solutions to drug development. With in-depth knowledge of the clinical, scientific and regulatory landscapes, we specialize in early phase and first-in-human oncology clinical trials while also welcomes other studies including healthy volunteers.

One of the key pillars to successful drug development is a well thought strategy and robust study safety management plan. With thorough understanding of global safety regulatory requirements, our team at Obatica consists of a group of highly experienced medical writers, medical monitors, medical coders and data managers, most with practical clinical oncology experience.

We believe that a thorough understanding of the oncology therapeutic area, current treatment landscape and evolving trends in country-specific regulations are crucial to drug development.

We will work with you to develop high quality study documents and safety monitoring plan for your drug development and assist in your drug development strategy to optimize the safety, efficacy and eventual regulatory success of your clinical solution.

clinical trial drug development
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